Saturday, 30 November 2013

CHAPTER 10 CASE STUDY : Albassamis Job Is Not Feasible Without IT

1.) What systems are described here? What valuable information do they provide?

Entreprise-wide knowledge management systems are firmwide efforts to collect, store, distribute, and apply digital content and knowledge. Enterprise content management system provide databases and tools for organizing and storing structured documents and tools for organizing and storing semistructured knowledge, such as e-mail or rich media. Knowledge network systems provide directories and tools for locating firm employees with special expertise who are important sources of tacit knowledge. Often these systems include group collaboration tools, portals to simplify information access, search tools, and tools for classifying information based on a taxonomy that is appropriate for the organization. Enterprise-wide knowledge management systems can provide considerable value if they are well designed and enable employees to locate, share, and use knowledge more efficiently.

The system needed the facility to serve specific sectors in the organization, in addition to providing information throughout the group. The system is based on clustered Dell servers running Windows 2003 and connected to over 270 Window XP clients. The database management system, used as the backbone of the system, is Sybase Adaptive server, whereas clients use SQL Anywhere. There is replication between the server at headquarters and the client’s branches. Throughout the replication, branches’s data is sent to the server and aggregated to create the most updated database version, and the sent back to the branches. This means every branch has the most recent version of the client list, truscks’ availability, and new shipping contracts so that any customer is able to deal with any branch at any time.
From the study, digital form is the company had to establish several infrastructural components such as the computer network, backup system and security policy this enabled the implementation of various systems including time and attendance systems this has saved a lot of lost working hours and has been linked to the ERP. Next, website having an attractive and informative website has become a major need .the website helps many functional departments including marketing HR, sales, and customers services.

2.) What value did the IT/IS investments add to Albassami?

Since the system is based on clustered Dell servers running Windows 2003 and connected to over 270 Window XP clients. The database management system, used as the backbone of the system, is Sybase Adaptive server, whereas clients use SQL Anywhere. There is replication between the server at headquarters and the client’s branches. Throughout the replication, branches’s data is sent to the server and aggregated to create the most updated database version, and the sent back to the branches.The IT/IS investments add to Albassami achieving some strategic business objectives which are operational excellence, new products, customer and supplier intimacy, improved decision making and competitive advantage.

3.) How did implementing the Shipping Information System address the business needs and information requirements of Albassami?

The shipping information system used at Albassami maintains all the sender information such as the sent car, the truck number, the sender and receiving branches, and it also send an SMS to the client acknowledging the arrival of the car. The system also records the client’s data, and holds maintenance information. Linking the data of vehicle maintenance centers with the transportation service helps to enhance company performance and achieve better customer service. The system also enables standard reports to be provided to top management and head sectors about the productivity of each branch, resulting in accurate identification of needs for different regions and thus proper budget allocation. In addition, the system allowed a better audit on all drivers’ tracking information.

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